These were the dishes we had for dinner last night. Ray fish in hot sour gravy (asam pedas), crispy fried tempe and my version of fried chicken. I do marketing every other day and when i went to the market yesterday morning it took me awhile pondering in the car about what should i serve for dinner. Remembering the other day my big boy asking me why i had not make the asam pedas for sometimes i decided to cook just that. Then when i was in the market the girl selling the vegetables told me that she has plenty of tempe and i got some. While at the fish stall i was so taken with the freshness of the ray fish, i didn't realise i took 2 big cut of the fish. It was almost 2 kg ha ha ha..... I was lucked out on the ginger bud (bunga kantan) so i went to a supermarket near my in laws' place. Then i dropped by at their house and had nice morning teh 'o' and chatted awhile with my mum in law. I gave her half of the fish. Lunch fare usually very simple at home since only 3 of us would be eating my 2 younger boys and myself. Usually we have fried rice or burgers or hotdog or bread but i would be frowning if the kids ask for maggie mee, but sometimes i would give in.
Just fried tempe, Ray fish in hot sour gravy( asam pedas) and my fried chicken.
The King, his family and U
4 weeks ago
Oh yummm....
Do you know I have never tasted tempe? What does it taste like? Sweet? Sour? Bitter? I used to see it at the Malay restaurants where I packed food for lunch (at times)but I never picked up one to try.
The Asam Pedas looks yummy, as well as the fried chicken.
I am curious, how much does ray fish cost? My sister tells me that fish is getting expensive. I can remember when fish was the cheapest option around compared to the other meats. :)
what ur sis said is true...fishes are dearer now...this fish here cost me RM12 a kg....even the kembong is abt RM9 - RM11 a kg...unfortunately my ppl prefer seafood to other still gotta buy la...
how to describe tempe ya? its like the marshmallow without sugar but not as soft...hope this will help, try la maybe u like it
oooh. asam pedas. only thing, it tak makan ikan pari.
selalu nya asam pedas ikan tenggiri.
tempe. My father is Javanese (mix) so I suka tempe. goreng saja pun sedap.
hiris tempe. gaul dengan sikit serbuk kunyit and garam. and then goreng dalam minyak panas.. adoi..enak.
Personally i prefer ikan parang asam pedas ni...but for the kids pari is the best la ...memang my tempe pun garam ngan kunyit jer....
What went into the chicken? looks very yummy. Is it masak kicap?
anon at 2.44,
its fried chicken not masak kicap...2 -3 shallots, 2 garlic, a bit of ginger, lengkuas, 1 serai, a bit of coriander, jintan manis and jintan kasar....if rajin i pound in the mortar ( lesung)if not just blitz them in the food processor but not too fine.......of course put some salt and turmeric powder...marinate abt 30 mins and fry.
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