When i decided to quit from the corporate world a few years ago, i did it because of my boys. They being looked after by my in laws and i felt it was time for me to lighten their burden as they were also looking after their other grand children and still do until now. Honestly, i was always felt guilty during those times. They never complained though. So, when i started staying home, i felt restless especially when the boys were in school. I would be pacing the empty house and i thank God for the Internet. Browsing the Net, i started trying new recipes and enjoying the pictures of beautifully decorated cakes and cupcakes. I also started a blog to show off my baking products, and alhamdullillah 80% of my sales now came from the blog. I opened this blog just to share the day in and day out of my routine especially in the kitchen and received nice words and some said hello in the comment space. I had since met many wonderful bloggers in person especially the so called 'Makcik Bloggers' and a few others.
Pak Zawi is also a fellow blogger whom i had been wanting to meet for so long but always the time was not on my side. One of his children is staying in Enstek which is quite near to Seremban, still i did not get to meet him. But last month when he wrote in one of his posting that he would be in Shah Alam for awhile to care for his young grandson, i took the opportunity to meet him. I killed 2 birds with one stone that day by meeting him for lunch and attended a Deepavali open house invitation in the evening. The lunch was sponsored by Pak Zawi's friend Mr. Chia, who generously invited us along when he saw my comment to meet Pak Zawi. I managed to bake choc chips cookies for Pak Zawi and Mr.Chia packed as in the picture.
We were enjoying the ayam kampung lunch, picture courtesy of Mr. Chia and the wife was the one who took it hence the empty chair. Pak Zawi was seaten facing my hubby, moi, my 2nd boy and the youngest in black...
Pak Zawi was kind enough to paint me his version of beautiful tulips now hanging on the wall of my living room. I love the bright colors he used. I feel it would be better if the painting was framed...which i would do so soon.....Thank you Pak for making time to meet us though it was such a short meeting and for the lovely painting.....
After blogspot, i was invited to join Facebook. I cannot remember who invited me. I saw many users of Facebook use it as a tool to find old friends, especially those in high school or colleges. What i appreciate most about Facebook was most of the members were using actualy names. I tried to locate my old class mates of whom i last saw was in 1982 after SPM results, but was quite disappointed. The reason was i forgot the correct spelling of their names he he...btw, my old school was no longer at its place. One 'canggih' shopping complex stand menacingly to my eyes when i passed by the road. Always make me sad and so far i only went to 'that' shopping complex once.....so sedey la.....But one day i saw a new message in the inbox of my Facebook....i was so estatic because the message was from someone who was my classmate when i was in Standard 5 up until Form 5.....ha ha ha.....telling me of a re-union organized by another friend....then the jejak kasih bermula until we met in person at Cyberview Lodge.We were all 'anak2 Yayasan Selangor' whom after the Penilaian Darjah 5 were given scholarships, stayed in one of the Yayasan hostel in KL and went to B*GS. Apparently Malays student were the minority in that school. This group represented 3 classes when we were in Form 5. If i was not mistaken, only 9 - 11 malay students out of the 40++ in my class...Oh we worked hard in that school to compete with the best of the chinese and Indians....i personally value my time in the school, and i am sure the rest of the group feel the same way and the experince made us a resilient lot.....
Lastly, i did an image changed on the day before my youngest boy turned 11. I dont know why that particular date, but i was very thankful to my older sister, who accompanied me to get the tudung and to the guy who man one of the many tudung stalls in Ampang Park. He was so understandably kind in showing me the many ways to wear the tudung and said soothing words to the awkward nervous me on that day. Many of my Facebook friends list had seen me with the new image.
With all these happenings, i still churned something from the oven in my kitchen.....enjoy the pictures.... Hantaran in KL
A wedding cake in Seremban....but i was not pleased with the outcome...
Cupcakes for lunch do in TKC dining hall
Tartlets to Sban 2
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
At last.......an update....
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syiok pulak kita baca kisah awak ne..sebab kita dah tau dulu dan jumpa in -person ngan awak kat mc d senawang sambil tengok perlawanan bola n9 ngan kelantan ..terkejut agaknya terus n9 menang...keh keh keh pasai bertudung tu .TAHNIAH!!!...kita suka sangat-sangat...
pasai jumpa kawan-kawan lama...memang le best giler!!!...so enjoy!!!!
nanti raya kita singgah umah tlg awak baking...mesti sibuk tu...
Congratulations on your 'hijrah'! I saw the pic but it didn't dawn to me that you have now donned the tudung. Alhamdullilah.
It has been a real pleasure to get to know you via the blog and that meeting at Concorde last year. We always say that we'll meet up for teh tarik at Ampang Point...but we never do, do we? Let's make the next one a reality, ok.
congrats kak zai.
i love tulips & painting tu cantik sgt, wish I hv one at home
Like you, I love meeting frens old and new. I also love your cupcakes and the whole range of goodies yang I tak dapat rasa lagi. Congratulations for achieving this level!
Congrats, Zaitgha!
Zai, I have always loved your straight to the point writing. You are honest and sincere. No frills and fancies. Just you. I looooove that in you, my dear Zai! It's a great pleasure making friends with you...
And ehem...your new look...hmmm...you sure look like one stylo-mylo Mak Datin Arab ya habibi ya maulana, hoccayh? Congrats on your new step! I always believe, when it comes, it comes, kan? Take care Zai!
best kan tgk bola live, at times we even lepak kedai mamak ha ha ha....but still cannot beat the feeling to watch games in the stadium....i mmg minat sports, dulu2 main la now tgk jer la he he....
MTT, thank u ...its my time dah ..and yes nice to have met you and for sure one day that tt session will be on for real .....
the principal....thank u
and tulips tu cantik kan?? love the bright colors....
thank u and hope we meet again soon....
Mrs.N, thank u
Ms Hart,
You loved my writing ha ha ha...i always felt my writing is so boring mcm org tulis end of year report on accounts jer......and many times i felt i was too honest and direct ...tak reti nak berbunga2....
tak nak la Mak Datin Arab.....and yes when it comes, it just comes ....den tak masak Rayo Haji nih, ado pulak sepupu laki den nak bertunang...sibuk lah sikit....mak mertuo den la kot yg masak....
ani oheb chocolat!.. check out my blog http://fantasticpeople123.blogspot.com/
salam datin zai...selamat hari raya aidil adha...minta maaf sebab terlewat ucap....moga berbahagia selalu dan makin bertambah..tambah..tambah...tambahh murah rezeki...aminnnn....
Kak Zaitgha,
One day I akan jumpa you jugak!Bile ek!Lagi satu, awat I buat the roses tak jadi macam you punya pun? Like Mdm Tai Tai kata, if you are having teh tarik in Ampang Point, sms me, I nak join, kalau boleh!
thanks for the ucapan and the wish...amin and you too semoga murah rezeki and panjang umur...
yes one day ....rosettes on the wedding cakes? use 852 the best but 2D pun lebih kurang jugak ....i know u will master the swirl in no time...yes if the tt jadi i sure will sms u....
Salam Kak Ita, ( boleh panggil tu ke?)
I am a silent reader of your blog and as I read more, I see that you are from B*GS..he he..same here..yes, we were the minorities there but we sure had a good time during school..(choral speaking, food sale, cheer leading and fun fun fun1)
Saya batch SPM86'. I am now in Sungai Petani..pindah sini dah almost 7 years. I just got back from KL yesterday, visiting my parents in Gombak and I also managaed to pursuade hubby to take me to the school area.. adoh!! havocnya tempat tu..the pasar yang jual flowers dah memang lama gone and the school dah jadi Pavilion.( he he..never imagine such thiing would happen)
The last time I visited the area was like 10 years ago and I had a shock of my life to see the change!!
Cheers and salam,
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