I just had a report card day with my eldest son's teacher just now. I had done it with my 2 younger boys' teachers last week. My Angah did worst than the first test but my Baby did so bad, i felt like whacking him with the report card. As usual my eldest, did alright, not excellent but he improved so much from the first test. On the way home, my mind wondered to when i was the boys age. No parents - teacher meeting like this was done. If there was my dad being a policeman would not be able to make it and my mum being illiterate herself would not be comfortable going to the school. I never had any tuition. But my siblings and i had to arrange our school bags on the dining table so that when my dad came home, he would scrutinized our exercise books and initialed the last page siap tulis the date. Some of my teachers would ask about it but a few who had taught my older siblings would know. The only times the teachers would see my parents would be on 'Hari Penyampaian Hadiah' which was once a year or if i did so badly in the exams. If not, the saying of No news is good news was being faithfully observed he he.....
What i noticed lacking nowadays were the lackadaisical attitude from most teachers( pls ya.. not all). They do not know how to get the children interested in the subjects that they are teaching. Hence, the mushrooming of tuition centers everywhere. The last enthusiastic group of teachers that i met was when the boys were in nursery. During my school days, the teaching in school plus the homeworks given were enough for most student to excel during the exams. At times, i really wish i can afford a private school for my boys. However, no point pondering so much about this, i just try to do the best for the boys.
Talking about the boys, my eldest is a fussy one, just like the father. To get a pencil case for him also can be very challenging. Until i remember my blogger friend Ummi65. Visit her here for more beautiful works that she had done. I requested from her on Monday and i received the case on Tuesday.....what a service! Thanks Ummi, I love it, he likes it....he said kalau yg nih dah rosak, he wants all Black punya he he......
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
I couldn't agree with you more, abt this post. Don't know where us parents, teachers or government has gone wrong...
I have another headache, my eldest 2 kids will revert back to learning Maths & Science in Bahasa in Form 4..aiyaiya...
Looking from the teachers' point of view pulak - kalau satu kelas ada 45 or more students, you cant really give full attention to all. Parents have to play their role too. Tuition centers mushrooming? Got to do with paper chase, straight As....
I personally think that subjects that are being taught in schools memang boring....it takes an extremely dedicated teachers to make them fun
Itu lah...for my selfish reason i wish if they were to change, change it after my youngest habis sekolah...but the kids yg suffer...setahu i, if we started young no matter what language, the kids would master the knowledge...kalau cikgu yg tak mahir in the language cikgu patut di train, kalau org kampung kurang facility thats where more to be given attention to...not scrapping something done halfway....entah lah...i wonder those yang champion to stop this PPSMI nih, their children in public schools or private schools or overseas?....
the principal,
Yes I agree with you about the number of students ratio with teacher's...but during my time those days in the city i think the ratio was about the same....my class was around 41 - 45 jugak rasanyer..the thing was the teachers made it fun to learn....when come to boring mmg pun, how exciting maths, science, history, geography can be thats why we need good teachers...i rasa tak payah extreme, dedicated pun rasanyer cukup....Of course parents have to play the roles too, and i think most parents especially our generation really played their roles as compared to ours those days....anyway we do our best...
Zai, I pun ralat they change it back to BM. It's all about politics. The generation yang suffer. Sigh...foreverlah rakyat di takuk yang sama, kan?
Hi Zai
I cant agree more. It is the same here, my kids are not doing as well as I expected them to do. When I was in primary school, the Jawi subject also makes me tick and was motivated to learn Jawi more and more. Than was the extent of the teacher's commitment and creativity.
I like the new pencil case by Ummi. Very chic.
We Moms ni rasa nak demam kan bila gi collect the kids report card. I hv from primary report card to secondary and last but not least the college CGPA to "feast" my eyes with. No wonder I'm gulping sweets like no one's business these days. STRESS!!!
And now back to BM??? Dei...those ppl up there, make up your minds boleh tak?? Ishh...marah ni..grrr.
tq dear...
Mid Year ni relax sikit coz' it's just to gauge how the kids are coping with the subjects, so that we can monitor and help them to improve for the finals, insya Allah. Don't worry too much :)
As for Ummi's kerja tangan - seperti biasa - very nice. I loike! :)
Some yg mengajar kat tuition centers pun are some of the same teachers in the same school gak....
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