Still feeling guilty while writing this post. Didnt make cake for my youngest birthday on 1st Nov as I had attended Wilton Cake Decorating Course at Amore-eBake in Seremban 2. It was an 8 hours course split into 2 days 4 hours each. This course is available in KL and mostly conducted in 4 days 2 hours each . The traveling didn't appeal to me though i really wanted to attend to one. Therefore, when i was told by the owner of Amore-eBake that she would try to get the course conducted at her shop, i just had to go. So last weekend, Saturday and Sunday, i spend half day learning the basic of cake decoration. I enjoyed the course but i was really struggling making Wilton roses ha ha ha......i told myself...practice, practice, practice.
I was also asked to make hantaran cupcakes with no flowers....i came up with this .
To the visitors from Sabah, if you can find this key holder, i appreciate if you could get 1 or 2 of these for me.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
salam kak zai, wah u dah join wilton decorating class...bertuahnya u dapat belajar...dah la course tu pulak dekat dgn umah u..BTW siapa ya intructor tu"..Adriana Wong tu ker..owner Amore tu?..i 've been there before...singgah beli barang kat situ hehehehe... pasal roses tu...ana pun belasah juga...kdg jadi..kdg terpeleot gak...
woooohooo best nya dah pi belajaq dgn wilton!!!tahniah3!!! lepas ni banyak la rose2 akan mekar mewangi....
tergeliat tgn nak buat dia punya roses...mine dia kata jadi ribbon Jan Course 2 pulak....
i emailed u sumthing awhile ago, dapat tak? lagi satu i nih tak minat roses tu yg susah nak dapat buat betul2 but tak per...akan ku cuba sampai dapat he he.....
Wah..dah join willton class ..seronokkan. Tak nak buat advance class pulak ke? Belajar kat willton berbaloi!!
salam geng...wah lepas nie deco rose dr bc mesti cun melecun tu..tahniah
Practise makes perfect dear. To me yang buta deco ni, roses tu dah mabeles dah. Kalau dari jauh, orang dah kata... bunga rose tu.. agaknya kalau kita yang buat, dari jauh orang kata.. mee sanggul ke tu? Muahahahaha....
Zai.. wah, bestnye. I ingat nak join gak, tapi boringnye class dia tu kena ikut semua kan. Anyway, good luck ye.
k.zai, tak dak terima apa pon email!!! nanti mail sekali lagi yaaa...
gi kelas ni memang seronok..dapat ilmu dapat berkenalan...dalam alam cyber pun best gak tapi lebih feel kalu bersemuka ngan guru dan kengkawan kan?...nanti tunjukan kan kita tools yg digunakan ya..
Hi Zai, watsup with the keyholder?
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