Whenever i browsed the internet, after reading the news and a few socio politics blogs, of course i would blog hopped to food blogs.....oh my, i could spend hours in front my lappy and just reading and watching wonderful food creation from these bloggers......as much as i love baking, i have been shying away to make bread as i thought its a very time consuming process. However, after so many luscious looking bread from the many blogs i visited, i went to learn bread making yesterday. I was very pleased that i went. Reasons being, as i always believe that women make better manager because we excel in multi tasking. We are very good at prioritizing, and after the class, bread making should be easy to handle. Furthermore the modern technology give us the gadgets like mixer and kitchen digital scale to lighten up the task.
Some dough with lovely red bean paste.(my favourite). With many first timers, we can see so many shapes and sizes of small bread here he he he....i dont know which were mine also...
It takes about 5 hours for this process to complete but the longest time was letting the dough to prove for at least 4 hours, the rest was another half hour to shape the dough and around the same time to bake the bread in the oven. This is where our planning skill come to the picture he he.....in between, we can do a lot of other things like cooking lunch, fetch the kids from school, clean the house or just lepak and browsing the net ha ha ha.......
these are the favorite of the kids, the hot dog rolls
I had fun learning not only making bread, on the way home i tried to figure out a schedule for the day if i decided to make the bread for my boys he he. And i tell you, the taste is yummilicous. I learned to make this lovely bread at Amore E-Bake at Pusat Komersial Oakland II, Seremban. Many more classes are scheduled here for next month until May.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
Kak Zai,
Whoa, bread! You know just how to torture me, don't you? Hehehe.
Bread is in my fav food list, especially croissant. Seriously irresistable :)
Have a nice day.
hi Akmal,
Long time dont hear from you....and yeap bread is favorite food in my home too...and croissant is the highest on the list of our favorite he he...
zai..yo! dh mcm kat bakery u...heheh. pas ni, leh la ambik order plak eh! cuppies kat bwh tu pon mengancamnyerrrr...
ni kat tempat i belajo, macam bakery la he he...you nyer cooking pun ngancam gilos said my boy ....
Salam Kak Zai, thanks for dropping by my blog..lepas ni boleh la rajin buat roti ye. You should get a heavy duty mixer, takyah nak menguli pakai tangan, pengsan!
Zaitgha....aiyaiyai...one day MUST try, and I repeat, t-r-y (only!!!) to be rajin like you! More, more motivation pliiiizzzz..!!! he he he
Wassalam Min,
i think my Kenwood mixer can handle the kneading for me(hopefully) he he...kalu nak pakai tangan rasanyer takan terbuat roti nih sampai bila2 ha ha ha and thanks for the reciprocal visit here....
ms hart,
orang kerja mcm you weekend untuk rehat maa....kedai banyak he he
tunggu chek beli breadmaker lah camni. campak jer bahan2 kat dlm, pasang suis, esok pagi dah siap...hahaha
i lurve bread too! yummeh!
I hate you for not being my neighbor that i can send my mangkuk tingkat over... ha ha ha ha
What a luvly hot dog bun tu... my kids luv them.
I will try them out this weekend, jadi ke idak, nasib la labuuuu...
Long Gardenia bread at my home can only last the most is 2 days he he he...i pun looking for bread machine but so long didnt go up to KL....
kalau u dkt tak yah bagi mangkuk tingkat, i hantar ngan plastic plate jer he he ....banyak i have which i used when the kids were younger....and roti hot dog tuh mmg kids favorite....and chef ni pun pandai dia ajar yg org suka makan and personally i suka yg ada kacang merah tuh.....
awak ne leceh la..suka goda saya dengan kelas-kelas masak ne...awak kan tu saya "kemaruk" kelas masak..tapi saya ...saya...saya...arghhh..........malas nak cakap...hu hu hu.....
12hb April baru turun ke seremban...tapi jangan tunggu...tak mungkin dapat ku berjumpa dengan mu...arghhhh.....biar ku pendam hasrat ini
thank you for inviting dear
salam ingatan
tak aper la, bila rasa2 bole singgah tuh singgah ajer la.....takut2 bole bagi teh o ajer kalau last minute...
take care mam......
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