My heavy cooking mostly done for dinner as that is the only meal we will all eat together. My 2 older boys do not take early breakfast as they tend to have to spend sometimes in the loo after that, their earliest meal will be after 9.00. Lunch is always simple affair which the menu would consist of hotdogs, or burgers, or fried rice or maybe some egg sandwiches. Dinner would normally be rice with some meat/seafood and vegetables. The other day i decided to cook masak lemak chili api tenggiri with kambas, tumis sawi and sambal ikan bilis garing. The gulai
Tumis air sawi
Sambal ikan bilis with potatoes
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
Mmmmmm, I am speechless, the photos, simply....make me very hungry.
Hello Zaitgha, was passing by and paused here. Nice post.
Being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is love.
And your three day they will love their sweethearts the most, their wives the best, but you, their mother...the longest.
Happy cooking to you. Does your cooking apron says, 'kiss the cook'? Ha ha.
Hello Zaitgha,
Huiii, sodap. Ni eden raso lapar nie. Apo kono dongan porut eden nih agoknyo eh? raso2nyo udah makan banyak tadi.
See my earlier postings at 12.30 pm, and your tummy would be growling ha ha ha....thanks for dropping by and hope to see you again here...
do leave your prints when you passing by again...your kind words really make my day and thank you....
hi Akmal,
did visit your home in the cyberspace and i can tell you that i am very impress about the topics you wrote and the way you put them in words....
and appreciate your visit here and i am trying to imagine you talking nogori with your kelantanese slang ha ha for me my toungue dah keras, just KL bahasa only for me
sodap tu...abah maklang kalau makan masak cili api ni memang suko! almaklum membosar kek alor gajah!
Hi Zaitgha,
Thanks for dropping by. Is that your real name?
Waaa semua masak lemak cili api. My favorite tapi perut tak bole tahan, next day mesti toilet visitation he he he
mak lang,
thanks for your my house gulai chili api nih at 3 times a week....apo nak buek lagi den org nogori...
kalau singgah again please leave your link, i cant seem to find your 'home' after the last time i visited you and thank for dropping by....
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