Jars of Chocolate Chips and Coffee Chocolate Chips Cookies ready for delivery for Raya... not much but enough for me to occupy my days without giving in to the comfort of my bed.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
Just sharing whats going on in my little cozy home...mostly what i cook or bake in the kitchen...i wasn't born a cook though, the interest came in very late, about a couple of years ago. As much as i love cooking and baking, i do not believe in slaving in the kitchen to get food on the table. A bit of a purist when come to daily food as i am kinda stick to how my mum used to cook......and of course whats happening to my three rascals...
Jars of Chocolate Chips and Coffee Chocolate Chips Cookies ready for delivery for Raya... not much but enough for me to occupy my days without giving in to the comfort of my bed.
Posted by zaitgha at 10/02/2007 12:12:00 PM
Labels: kuih raya
Tumpang lalu. Tengah sibuk buat kuih raya ke?
Wah.....You only take orders for these two biscuits only?
tak ler sibuk sgt, i ambik order pun just to occupy my time jer
this biscuits and tarts, just for fun jer nothing major ha ha ha
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